历史记录 ======================================= ====================================== History of API/Document Change ====================================== * 2016-01-22: V3.0, Draft * 2016-01-22: V3.01, enrich daily usage report definition * 2016-01-22: V3.02, enrich devices, datastreams, datapoints' definitions * 2016-02-11: V3.03, migrate to sphinx documentation * 2016-06-21: V3.05, update format for content tree * 2016-07-05: V3.06, add more examples in legacy API page * 2016-10-12: V3.07, update for RESTful API with custom HMAC algorithm ====================================== History of IoT Device Cloud ====================================== Dawn的设备云经历了多个发展阶段: * 网络存储阶段 * 整合型网站阶段 * 设备云与应用分离阶段 * 量产压测阶段 :doc:`../index`